Record shot of a Sparrow Hawk soaring over Whitbred Hollow.
Drove to Whitbred Hollow and arrived at 7.00 am to an overcast but mild misty morning with a light SE wind. Walked directly down to the Gully and beach below Cow Gap and then made my way up into the Hollow and re-located the
abietinus type Chiffchaff feeding in the Sallow bush leading to the mist-net run, with 3 Chiffchaffs. RDME had ringed it yesterday. Interesting plumage appeared overall pale compared with the other Chiffs with pale creamy underparts. Returned to the Headland and did the majority of the sites and met up with RDME & GG at Belle Toute wood. No sign of yesterdays Yellow Browed Warbler.
Migrants seen: 7 Chiffchaffs, 14 Redwings W over the Hollow, 1 Fieldfare near Belle Toute wood, 400 Woodpigeons west, and the Water Rail was calling in the Hollow.