Thick mist when we arrived and until it cleared it was slow going. RKH phoned to say that with RES they had located a Wryneck in Shooters Bottom, which after photographing, proved to be a different bird to the one photographed there last week-end. We covered all the areas on the Head including the rough field and also did a 30 minute raptor watch:
Little Egret 2 off Birling
Sparrowhawk 2
Common Buzzard 2
Kestrel 2
Merlin 1 female/immature per AGC & PN
Hobby 1 Juv. over the Top Fields.
Sandwich Tern 1+
Wryneck 1 a new individual in Shooters Bottom.
Sand Martin 20
Swallow 500
House Martin 200
Tree Pipit 1
Yellow Wagtail 4
'Alba' Wagtail 3 feeding above B/T wood.
Whinchat 2
Wheatear 40 (our best day this year).
Grasshopper Warbler 1
Reed Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Common Whitethroat 20
Garden Warbler 2
Blackcap 20
Chiffchaff 2
Willow Warbler 4
Raven 6 soaring with Rooks.
Linnet 40
Speckled Wood 4
Clouded Yellow 2
Small Heath 8
Painted Lady 1
Migrant Hawker 3

Not too many more Willow Warblers to come now.

Our best day for Wheatears this year, with 40 being seen.
Wryneck in Shooters Bottom.
The darker iris, wholly pink bill, more extensive white
ground colour to its submoustacial stripe, fewer dark-centered
scapulars and larger pale spotting to its wing coverts reveal
this to be a different individual to that photographed at the same
site the previous week-end.