Summary of Spring 2019
Sea-watch details:
Jan-Feb: 18 dates 28.25 hours
March 13 dates 18.75 hours
April 19 dates 69.50 hours
May 13 dates 23.50 hours
June 3 dates 3.50 hours
2019: Jan-Feb sea-watches: Recorded on 3 dates from 2/1 (2 on the sea at 300 metres drifted W), 7/2 2 (1 E and 1W), 18/2 (1 E with 6 RTD’s)
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 9 dates from 4/4 (4 E in summer plumage) to 17/5 (1 E in s/p), with a total of 28 E majority in s/p with a daily max of 9 E on the 25/4.
Red-throated Diver
2019: Jan-Feb sea-watches: Recorded on 17 dates from 5/1 to 27/2 with a total of 579 with the daily max of 91 on the 16/2.
Spring sea-watches: Recorded from 1/3 to 18/5 with a total of 216 majority moving E and with a daily max of 51 E (majority in summer plumage ) on the 30/3.
After reasonable numbers seen during Jan and Feb, the Spring sea-watches were very poor.
Great-crested Grebe
2019: Jan-June: Recorded on 27 dates from 5/1 (3) to 18/5 (2) with a daily max of 6 on the 13/2.
2019: Jan-June: Recorded throughout this period. On the 5/1
8 moved W off Birling. Daily max: 12 on the sea on the 15/2. By mid-May only
around 3 were present off Birling although 7 were seen off Icky Ridge.
Manx Shearwater
2019 Spring sea-watches: 4 (4,1E and 3 W), 25/4 (2E) and 29/5 (1E).
2019: Jan-Feb:
Recorded on 18 dates from 5/1 to 27/2 with daily max of 121 E on the 2/2
Spring sea-watches:
Recorded throughout with Max. movements 4/4 343E, 5/4 387E, 6/4 306 E, 15/4 218
2019: Spring sea-watches: Max. daily sightings: 2/2 245 were on the sea off Birling and then departed W. 17/2 158 ( 126 W and 32 E), 23/2 Flock of 50 W.
2019: Spring sea-watches: 22/4 (1 ad E, ) 25/4 (1 E), 26/4 (1 ad E).
Little Egret
2019: Spring: Logged on 11 dates at Birling from 15/1 (1) to 22/5 (2) with a daily max: 23/4 (5). On the 17/4 2 were moving E a long way out off Birling.
2019: 19/4 1 E @ 13.45 off Cow Gap, photo (LP).
Our 9th record since 1960 involving 16 individuals.
Grey-lag Goose
2019 Spring: 17/3 1 E over Birling sewage farm, 8/4 1 over the Downs, 14/4 1 E off Birling and 16/4 2 E off Birling.
Canada Goose
2019: Spring: 11/3 1 W off Birling, 29/3 15 E off Birling and 18/4 2 in off the sea at Birling.
Brent Goose
2019: Jan-Feb: Recorded on 10 dates from 7/1 to 27/2 with a total of 790 mainly E daily maxs: 17/2 242 E and 23/2 203 E.
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 24 dates from 1/3 to 23/5 with a total of 2,081E with daily maxs: 7/3 687 E, 4/4 348 E.
With the two totals added together this makes a total of 2,871 for the first 6 months.
A poor Spring, in recent years 5,000+ have been recorded.
2019: Spring sea-watches: 15/2 (50 E) and 1/3 (7E).
2019: Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 7 dates from 13/4 to 25/4 with a total of 25 E. Daily max: 14/4 (11 E)
2019: Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 14 dates from 18/1 to 16/5 with a total of 116E. Daily Maxs: 15/4 (21E) and 23/4 (27 E).
2019: Spring sea-watches: 18/4 (2E) and 22/4 (4E).
2019: Spring sea-watches: 15/2 (3E), 23/2 (9 E) and 23/4 (3 E).
2019; Spring sea-watches: 15/4 (5 E), (2 singles with Scoters and 3 with 2 Teal). (JFC, RAB, RKH, RES, KH)
2019 Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 10 dates from 29/3 to 16/5 with a total of 34E. Daily Max 16/5 10 E.
Tufted Duck
Spring sea-watches: 28/3 3 E and then W.2
Spring sea-watches: 15/4 1 drake E (RAB).
Spring sea-watches: 5/4 (5 sat on the sea and departed E), 11/5 (4 W), 22/5 (1 imm.drake stood on the ledge off Cow Gap).
Common Scoter
Jan-Feb: Recorded on 11 dates from 5/1 to 27/2 with a total of just 71.
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 39 dates from 1/3 to 1/6 with a total of 6,062. Daily maxs: 5/4(727), 15/4 (1,100), 22/4 (1196).
No repeat of last year's total of 12,896.

Velvet Scoter
Spring sea-watches: 5/4 (3E), 18/4 (6E), 22/4 (9E), 25/4 (9E).
Similar numbers to last year.
Red-breasted Merganser
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 10 dates from 15/2 to 22/4 with a total 43 E with a daily max; 1/3 (14 E).
Still very low numbers, in 2004, 344 were logged.
Red Kite
Spring: 25/3 2W over the Headland, 18/4 2 seen from Hodcombe, 20/4 2 (1 wing-tagged over B/T wood, and 1 untagged over Shooters Bottom, 21/4 2 over Birling Gap, 29/4 1E over the Headland.
A total of 9 birds.
Spring: Recorded on 16 dates from 2/2 to 29/5. All singles with both males and females i/d, apart for 2 on the 11/3 with 1 at Birling and 1 appeared to come in and departed high NE over the Headland.
Common Buzzard
Spring: Logged on 16 dates from 7/1 to 20/5 with a total of 30 seen. Daily maxs: 7/3 ( 6 over B/T wood) and 11/5 (4 over the Headland).
Spring: Recorded on 32 dates from 5/1 to 9/6. Chiefly singles, with 2 over the Headland on the 23/5, although both male and females were i/d., the male has now been present for several years, and on the 24/4 and 25/4 it appeared to be hunting out over the sea off Birling.
Spring: Recorded on six dates from 21/3 to 8/4 on the Headland and probably all related to a single female which was photographed by LP on the 8/4.
Spring: Singles recorded on 6 dates from 20/4 to 7/6 with 1 moved E along the Cliff Path on the 1/5 until out of sight, and 1 in off the sea and headed off N inland on the 23/5.
Gannets off Birling
2019: Spring sea-watches: Max. daily sightings: 2/2 245 were on the sea off Birling and then departed W. 17/2 158 ( 126 W and 32 E), 23/2 Flock of 50 W.
2019: Spring sea-watches: 22/4 (1 ad E, ) 25/4 (1 E), 26/4 (1 ad E).
Little Egret
2019: Spring: Logged on 11 dates at Birling from 15/1 (1) to 22/5 (2) with a daily max: 23/4 (5). On the 17/4 2 were moving E a long way out off Birling.
Little Egret over Birling beach.
2019: 19/4 1 E @ 13.45 off Cow Gap, photo (LP).
Our 9th record since 1960 involving 16 individuals.
Grey-lag Goose
2019 Spring: 17/3 1 E over Birling sewage farm, 8/4 1 over the Downs, 14/4 1 E off Birling and 16/4 2 E off Birling.
Canada Goose
2019: Spring: 11/3 1 W off Birling, 29/3 15 E off Birling and 18/4 2 in off the sea at Birling.
Brent Goose
2019: Jan-Feb: Recorded on 10 dates from 7/1 to 27/2 with a total of 790 mainly E daily maxs: 17/2 242 E and 23/2 203 E.
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 24 dates from 1/3 to 23/5 with a total of 2,081E with daily maxs: 7/3 687 E, 4/4 348 E.
With the two totals added together this makes a total of 2,871 for the first 6 months.
A poor Spring, in recent years 5,000+ have been recorded.
One of the features of the early sea-watches is the
Brent Geese passage.
2019: Spring: Recorded on 23 dates from 15/2 to 23/5 with a
total of 89. Daily Max: 22/4 17. A pair were prospecting again around Birling
area between 20/3 to 23/5.Wigeon
2019: Spring sea-watches: 15/2 (50 E) and 1/3 (7E).
2019: Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 7 dates from 13/4 to 25/4 with a total of 25 E. Daily max: 14/4 (11 E)
2019: Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 14 dates from 18/1 to 16/5 with a total of 116E. Daily Maxs: 15/4 (21E) and 23/4 (27 E).
2019: Spring sea-watches: 18/4 (2E) and 22/4 (4E).
2019: Spring sea-watches: 15/2 (3E), 23/2 (9 E) and 23/4 (3 E).
2019; Spring sea-watches: 15/4 (5 E), (2 singles with Scoters and 3 with 2 Teal). (JFC, RAB, RKH, RES, KH)
2019 Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 10 dates from 29/3 to 16/5 with a total of 34E. Daily Max 16/5 10 E.
Tufted Duck
Spring sea-watches: 28/3 3 E and then W.2
Spring sea-watches: 15/4 1 drake E (RAB).
Spring sea-watches: 5/4 (5 sat on the sea and departed E), 11/5 (4 W), 22/5 (1 imm.drake stood on the ledge off Cow Gap).
Five Eiders on the sea off Birling.
Common Scoter
Jan-Feb: Recorded on 11 dates from 5/1 to 27/2 with a total of just 71.
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 39 dates from 1/3 to 1/6 with a total of 6,062. Daily maxs: 5/4(727), 15/4 (1,100), 22/4 (1196).
No repeat of last year's total of 12,896.

Common Scoters going past Birling
Velvet Scoter
Spring sea-watches: 5/4 (3E), 18/4 (6E), 22/4 (9E), 25/4 (9E).
Similar numbers to last year.
Red-breasted Merganser
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 10 dates from 15/2 to 22/4 with a total 43 E with a daily max; 1/3 (14 E).
Still very low numbers, in 2004, 344 were logged.
Red Kite
Spring: 25/3 2W over the Headland, 18/4 2 seen from Hodcombe, 20/4 2 (1 wing-tagged over B/T wood, and 1 untagged over Shooters Bottom, 21/4 2 over Birling Gap, 29/4 1E over the Headland.
A total of 9 birds.
Spring: Recorded on 16 dates from 2/2 to 29/5. All singles with both males and females i/d, apart for 2 on the 11/3 with 1 at Birling and 1 appeared to come in and departed high NE over the Headland.
Female Sparrowhawk above Whitbread Hollow
Spring: Logged on 16 dates from 7/1 to 20/5 with a total of 30 seen. Daily maxs: 7/3 ( 6 over B/T wood) and 11/5 (4 over the Headland).
Common Buzzard over Belle Tout
Spring: Recorded on 32 dates from 5/1 to 9/6. Chiefly singles, with 2 over the Headland on the 23/5, although both male and females were i/d., the male has now been present for several years, and on the 24/4 and 25/4 it appeared to be hunting out over the sea off Birling.
Kestrel over Shooters Bottom
Spring: Recorded on six dates from 21/3 to 8/4 on the Headland and probably all related to a single female which was photographed by LP on the 8/4.
Spring: Singles recorded on 6 dates from 20/4 to 7/6 with 1 moved E along the Cliff Path on the 1/5 until out of sight, and 1 in off the sea and headed off N inland on the 23/5.
Our earliest Spring date was on the 19/4/1997.
Spring: Recorded throughout the Spring with a daily max: of 5 on the 20/3. On four dates during April, up to 2 adults were watched hunting out over the sea, although they were not seen to catch any prey.
Red-legged Partridge
Spring: Up to two recorded on 17 dates from 18/3 to 24/5.
Spring: Up to 2 recorded on 7 dates from 11/3 to 22/5.
Spring: Small numbers logged from 16/2 (10) along Birling beach. On 22/3 1 high E a long way out off Birling, and 7/5 4E moving a long way out off Birling.
Spring sea-watches: 13/4 (2E), 22/4 (5E), 30/4 (8E) and 12/5 (3E).
Ringed Plover
Spring sea-watch: 17/5 1 E
Grey Plover
Spring sea-watches: 17/4 18 E and 6/5 1 E.
Spring sea-watches: 22/4 8E
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 4 dates from 14/4 to 17/5 with a total of 68 E. Daily maxs: 14/4 (13E) and 16/5 (40 E).
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 5 dates from 13/4 to 30/4 with a total of 21 with daily maxs. of 6 on the 13/4 and 25/4.
Spring: 20/2 1 in Whitbread Hollow, 21/3 1 flushed in Shooters Bottom and 23/3 1 flushed in Shooters Bottom.
Bar-tailed Godwit:
Spring sea-watch: Recorded on 11 dates from 13/4 to 16/5 with a total of 1,024E with Daily maxs: 22/4 283 E and 23/4 525 E.
Our best Spring since 2011
Spring sea-watch: Recorded on 14 dates from 5/4 to 23/5 with a total of 368 E. Daily Maxs: 22/4 (74 E) and 25/4 (63 E).
Our best Spring since 2011 when 661 were recorded.
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 19 dates from 7/1 to 23/2 with a total of 59. Daily max: 18/4 9E.
The above totals also include several birds which winter off Beachy Head.
Spring sea-watches: 22/4 7 E.
Surprisingly for such a common wader, the party of 7E is our largest party recorded from the Headland.
Spring: 8/4 1 calling over the Headland.
Pomarine Skua
Spring sea-watches: 22/4 (17E), 23/4 (1E), 24/4 (3E) and 17/5 (5E). A total of 26 E.
The main passage this year was on the afternoon of the 16/5 when 37 moved E off Selsey Bill and when no observers were watching off Beachy Head.
Pomarine Skua off Birling
pity it never had a spoon
Arctic Skua
Spring sea-watch: Recorded on 6 dates from 4/4 to 18/5 with a total of 146 E.
Daily Maxs: 5/4 (19E), 17/4 (16E), 22/4 (24E), 25/4 (32 E).
An average Spring.
Arctic Skuas off Birling
146 passed this Spring.
Great Skua
Spring sea-watch: Recorded on 9 dates from 5/4 to 18/5 with a total of 49 E.
Daily maxs: 22/4 (10E), 25/4 (23E).
An average Spring. In 2012 a total of 292 were seen during the Spring, while in 2016 just 5 were seen.

Bonxie's past Birling Gap
Spring sea-watch: Recorded on 30 dates from 12/2 to 17/5 with a total of 890 E.
Daily maxs: 17/4 (190E), 22/4 (152 E), 23/4 (101E), 26/4 (109E).
By far our best Spring to date, our previous best was in 2017 when 475E were logged, so this year we have almost doubled this figure. In 2013, we recorded 134 E during the Spring which then was a record Spring for us and our largest daily total was then 30 birds. Med Gulls have become almost the main feature of the Spring sea-watches. Will we break through the 1,000 barrier next Spring!!
Mediterranean Gulls were the main feature this Spring
with record numbers past Beachy Head.
Spring sea-watches: 25/4 2 juv's E and 7/5 1 ad E.
Very disappointing that we could only pick out 3 little Gulls, which were close in during this Spring.
In recent years we have found it difficult to pick out Little Gulls and Little Terns due to our aging eye-sight, and Little Gulls are usually a little way out off Birling.
Black-headed Gull
Spring sea-watch: Recorded moving on 24 dates from 24/2 to 1/6 with a total of 933 E and 30 W.
Daily maxs: 7/3 Flock of 80E, 22/4 223E, and 25/4 125E.
Common Gull
During February between 20 and 200 chiefly adults were present in the grassy fields at Birling.
Spring sea-watch: Recorded moving E on 14 dates from 4/4 to 1/6 with a total of 358.
Daily max: 22/4 (68).
Lesser-black-backed Gull
Spring: Just two records were logged: 23/2 2 on Birling beach, but not specifically raced, 15/3 1 of the Scandinavian race intermedius.
Herring Gull
Spring: Recorded throughout the Spring 15/1 c400W along the cliffs, 29/5 c250 following a trawler off Birling, 1/6 c200 feeding off Cow Gap on a shoal of fish.
Greater-Black backed Gull
Spring: 15/1 c300 W along the cliffs and 16/4 30 E along the cliffs.
Spring: Logged on 20 dates from 7/1 to 26/4, with a total of 2,631, although present throughout the Spring. Daily maxs: 4/4 637E, 15/4 714E, 25/4 c300E, 26/4 c400E.
Black Tern
Spring sea-watch: 25/4 (2E), 30/4 (4E), 7/5 (6E).
Sandwich Tern
Spring sea-watch: Recorded on 30 dates from 30/3 to 4/6 with a total of 1,446E.
Daily maxs: 25/4 289E.
An average Spring passage, although it appeared to finish earlier this year.
Common/Arctic Tern
Spring sea-watch: Recorded on 14 dates from 5/4 to 4/6 with a total of 977E.
Daily maxs: 30/4 287E (15% were I/d as Common Terns), and 7/5 479 E.
Once again, the large movements occurred during the afternoons and early evenings at other sea-watch sites when no observers were present at Beachy Head. We also notice that the majority of Commic Terns seen moving past Beachy are considerably further out to sea now and therefore the chance of picking out a Roseate Tern would now be very difficult.
Little Tern
Spring sea-watch: 17/4 (1E), 22/4 (5E), 25/4 (1E).
Once again our aging eyes find picking out Little Terns and Little Gulls very difficult, and no doubt many are missed.
Auk Sp.
Jan-Feb: Recorded on 15 dates from 5/1 to 23/2 with a total of 6,295.
Daily maxs: 7/1 (740E and 230W), 11/2 (1073W), 12/2 (2,023E, majority which were i/d proved to be Razorbills).
Spring sea-watch: Recorded on 7 dates from 14/4 to 29/5 with a total of 73 E.
Another excellent Jan and Feb movements and our best since 2011.
Spring sea-watch: Large numbers of Auks were seen during Jan-Feb and Guillemots were identified on 6 dates with 50 on the 5/1.
Spring sea-watch: As with Guillemot, large numbers of Auks were seen during Jan-Feb and Razorbills were identified on 10 dates with 40 on the 5/1.
Spring sea-watch; 12/2 1 w/p E leading a small party of Razorbills. (JFC and DRC)
Our earliest record.
Stock Dove
Spring: 11/5 and 13/5 2 seen feeding on the road ear Birling manor, 22/5 1 flew W over the top fields.
Probably the birds seen near Birling manor are local breeding birds as they have been present in this area for several years.
Spring: Between 10-20 present in the Belle Tout wood area throughout the Spring.
Collared Dove
Spring: Recorded on 18/3 (1 Hodcombe), 16/4 (1 Birling) and 17/4 (2 Birling).
Spring: Sadly our third year running with no reports during the Spring.
Tawny Owl
Spring: Pair heard calling several times during April but they proved12/2
very elusive, and were not seen, but on the 23/5 2 young were seen.
Short-eared Owl
Spring: 12/2 (1 near the Hotel Garden seen during the evening), 17/4 2 (1 Hotel Garden and 1 Belle Tout area), 24/4 (1 on the Headland).
Spring: 12/5 2E, 16/5 1E, 17/5 1E, 27/5 Moderate W passage, 7/6 c40 E.
Spring: 18/5 1 N over Hodcombe mid-afternoon, (RHC and MEC).
23/5 Heard only, calling over Headland mid-morning. (LP)
Green Woodpecker
Spring: Singles recorded throughout the Spring at Belle Tout wood and Whitbread Hollow. On the 13/4 2 were seen at Belle Tout and on the 26/4 3 were present in the area.
Great-spotted Woodpecker
Spring: No reports.
Spring: 5/1 and 18/1 100+ set-aside field, 2/2 80+ set-aside field, 11/3 50 set-aside field. 19/3 1 E over the cliffs, 29/3 2 in off the sea, and 22/5 2 in off the sea.
Sand Martin
Spring: Recorded on 6 dates from 23/3 to 23/4 with a total of 15. Daily max: 20/4 6 in off the sea.
Spring: Recorded on 32 dates from 31/3 to 24/5. A total of 60 were seen to come in off the sea.
Daily max: 20/4 when 20 came in off the sea.
Four pairs breeding at Hodcombe, and these were the only known breeding this year.
House Martin
Spring: 17/4 (1), 20/4 (8 in off the sea), and 19/5 (1).
Crag Martin
Spring: 22/5 (One around Hodcombe from 13.00hrs for a short period before departing N. (RHC and MEC).
Our third record, the previous two were in 1988 and 1995.
Tree Pipit
Spring: 17/4 (1), 20/4 (4), 2/5 (1), 13/5 (2).
Meadow Pipit
Jan-Feb: 12/2 (party of 9 along the road), 17/2 (2 in off the sea).,
Spring: 18/3 and 20/3 (20), 21/3 (75, of which 40 in off the sea and 35 at Crapham Bottom, 22/3 ( 50 moving overhead), 2/4 (56 of which 40 arrived in off the sea).
Rock Pipit
Spring: Just logged on five dates at Birling from 12/2 to 18/5 but never more than 2 on a day. 7/5 1 was displaying at Birling.
Yellow Wagtail
Spring: Recorded on 7 dates from 7/4 to 24/4 with a total of 13 with a daily max: 20/4 (5). Virtually all were fly-overs apart for 1 in the sheep field on the 18/4, and (1) in off the sea on the 22/4.
Grey Wagtail
Spring: 5/1 (1 feeding along the road near Birling manor), 13/3 ( 1 Birling water works), and 24/3 (1E). Our first Spring records since 2011.
Pied Wagtail
24/2 (2 came in off the sea).
Spring: Recorded in small numbers throughout with odd alba types seen coming in or flying over.
Daily max: 21/3 (10 Crapham Bottom) and 28/3 (15 in newly ploughed field).
At least 2 pairs breeding with 1 pair at Hodcombe and 1 pair at Birling.
White Wagtail
Spring: Recorded on 7 dates from 18/3 to 20/4 with a total of 13 with a daily max: 29/3 with 5 or 6 in a newly ploughed field.
White Wagtail on the short grass near Belle Tout lighthouse
Spring: Reasonable numbers were seen throughout the Spring, but no estimate logged.
Hedge Sparrow
Spring: Good numbers were present at most sites. On the 21/3 30 were estimate in Shooters Bottom.
Spring: No influx recorded during the Spring , up to 20 on the 8/4.
Spring: One singing in Whitbread Hollow from 23/4 to at least the 9/6. 2 were present on the 30/4.
Black Redstart
Spring: Recorded on 15 dates from 19/3 to 28/4 with a total of 25 bird-days, and a daily max: 8/4 (4).
Probably 24 different individuals involved.
Probably 24 different individuals involved.
Common Redstart
Spring: Recorded on just 5 dates with a total of 8 bird-days and a daily max: 4/4 (4, all males).
Another poor Spring with only low numbers of migrants and poor observer coverage. 24 bird-days were logged in 2017.
Spring: Recorded on 6 dates from 19/4 to 20/5 with a total of 10 bird-days and a daily max: 20/4 (5).
Whinchat has never been common during the Spring passage and this year proved to be one of our best this century.
Jan-Feb: Up to 3 present in the Birling area.
Spring: Recorded throughout, daily maxs: 4/3 (9), 20/3 (11).
Probably 12 breeding pairs in the area, 20/5 First brood seen with young.
Rubicola male types: 20/3, 21/3 and 30/4 (1) in Shooters Bottom, 9/6 (1 Hodcombe).
A bright male Stonechat probably of the continental
race Rubicola in Shooters Bottom
Spring: Recorded on 20 dates from 13/3 to 1/6 with a total of 63 bird-days. Daily maxs: 20/3 (9), 20/4 (10), 29/4 (8 of which 3 were considered to belong to the Greenland race leucoroha).
For comparison in Spring, 1977, a total of 326 bird-days with a daily max of 120 on the 26/4/1977 (Approx. 500% more were recorded than in recent Springs).
A stunning male Wheatear on the newly ploughed field
Always look forward to seeing the first male Wheatears
Ring Ouzel19/4 (1).
Spring: 8/4 (3 Near the Hotel Garden).
Spring: Present throughout the Spring, with no real influx noted. Daily max: 11/5 c18 mostly males in Shooters Bottom.
Spring: 28/3 (1), 8/4 (4), and 19/4 (1).
After 5 years of no Spring sightings from Beachy, pleasing to report some this Spring.
Spring: Recorded on 7 dates from 18/3 to 8/4 with a total of 43 with daily max: 20/3 (15).
On the 18/3 a very dark individual with a dark brown back was present in the Hotel Garden and was considered to be of the Icelandic race coburni, while on the 20/3, the 15 seen in Shooters Bottom all appeared to be typical Iliacus.
Redwing in Shooters Bottom of the usual
Iliacus race
Mistle Thrush
Spring: No sightings.
Song Thrush
Jan-Feb: Just odd birds seen with no cold weather influx noted.
Spring: Small numbers recorded throughout on the 20/5 5 chiefly singing, and on the 8/4 6 present in Shooters Bottom of which 5 departed high to the N.
Probably 5-6 breeding pairs in the whole area.
Grasshopper Warbler
Spring: 1 singing (photo) in the scrub below Belle Tout lighthouse on 2/4 (LP).
Our joint earliest record with the previous on the 2/4/2002.
Sedge Warbler
Spring: Singles recorded on four dates from 2/4 to 29/4.
2/4 is our earliest Spring record, our previous earliest was on the 6/4/2009.
Reed Warbler
Spring: Singles recorded on 5 dates from 10/5 to 27/5.
Subalpine Warbler sp.
Spring 26/4 1 singing and briefly seen before flying and disappearing in Shooters Bottom but not identified as to specific species of Subalpine Warbler. (LP)
Our 12th record since 1960, although one of the sightings in 1992, the observer did not submit the record to BBRC.
Lesser Whitethroat
Spring: Recorded on 16 dates from 18/4 to 29/5 with a total of 25 bird-days and a daily max: 29/4 (4).
A singing male was present along the cliff path from 18/4 to at least the 29/5 and appeared to be holding territory, but no female was seen.
Common Whitethroat
Spring: Recorded on 20 dates from 9/4 to 29/5 with a total of 290 bird-days and a daily max: 2/4 (30 on the Headland).
A slight improvement from last Spring.
Garden Warbler
Spring: Recorded on 5 dates from 3/5 to 24/5 with a total of 9 birds. Daily max: 10/5 (4).
Another poor showing this Spring.
Spring: Recorded on 30 dates from 23/3 to 9/6 with a total of 132 bird-days with daily maxs: 8/4 (16) and 17/4 (17).
A better showing this Spring from last Spring when only 49 bird-days were logged. Fewer singing Blackcaps this Spring with just odd birds along the cliff path which is one of the main breeding sites and none stayed in Belle Tout wood, which is another breeding site.
Blackcap in Shooters Bottom
Wood Warbler
Spring: 3/5 (1 Belle Tout wood) (NP et al).
Spring: Recorded on 47 dates from 14/3 to 1/6 with a total of 260 bird-days . The only real fall of Chiffchaff migrants was on the 20/3 when 50+ were recorded.
An improvement this Spring compared to last Spring when only 143 bird-days were logged. Fewer singing Chiffchaffs along the cliff path this Spring, which is one of our main breeding sites.
Chiffchaff along the Cliff Path
Willow Warbler
Spring: Recorded on 27 dates from 31/3 to 24/5 with a total of 263 bird-days. Two falls of migrants
occurred: 8/4 (80) and 17/4 (c80). On the 12/5 a northern race type acredula was found in the Old Trapping Area and photographed.
After our poor Spring last year when only 94 bird-days were logged and was considered to be our worst Spring to date, an improvement this Spring, although in 2017 we logged 483 bird-days.
Willow Warbler probably belonging to the northern race
acredula in the Old Trapping Area, it sang like a normal
type Willow Warbler.
Jan: 11/1 2 in Belle Tout wood.
Spring: Recorded on 12 dates from 20/3 to 8/4 with a total of 48 bird-days with daily maxs: 23/3 (13) and 24/3 (14). On the 23/3 (1) came in off the sea.
Our best Spring this century.
Goldcrest in the pines at Birling
Spring: Recorded on 15 dates from 4/3 to 27/5 with a total of 31 bird-days, which probably involved 23 different individuals. Daily max: 18/3 (6).
An average Spring.
Firecrest in Belle Tout wood.
Spotted Flycatcher
Spring: Recorded on 5 dates from 10/5 to 27/5 with a total of 15 bird-days with daily maxs: 10/5 (4), and 21/5 (4).
A small improvement from the last two Springs.
Spotted Flycatcher near Belle Tout wood.
Pied Flycatcher
Spring: Sadly none recorded this Spring.
Long-Tailed Tit.
Feb: 15/2 4 present in the scrub below Belle Tout lighthouse.
Spring: Pairs recorded in Shooters Bottom and along the cliff path/ Whitbread Hollow area. In Shooters Bottom an adult was watched collecting food and visiting the same bush and along the cliff path on the 22/5 a family party of 9 were seen.
Pair of Long-tailed Tits in Shooters Bottom.
Juvenile Long-tailed Tit along the Cliff Path
Two pairs bred in the area this year.
Blue Tit
Spring: Just small numbers recorded throughout the Spring and no influx noted.
Great Tit
Spring: Present in reasonable numbers throughout the Shooters Bottom
Tree Creeper
Just a single record in Belle Tout wood of 1 on the 11/1.
Probably is the same bird which was seen in last December.
17/4 2 in the radio mast bushes, 26/4 1 in Whitbread Hollow and 16/5 1 in the top bushes behind
the cliff path.
17/4 2 in the radio mast bushes, 26/4 1 in Whitbread Hollow and 16/5 1 in the top bushes behind
the cliff path.
Spring: Good numbers present throughout the Spring.
5/1 (300 feeding in the set-aside field).
5/1 (200 feeding in the set-aside field).
Carrion Crow
Spring: 28/3 Party of 12 in Cow Gap.
From 13/4 to 11/5 a total of 13 came in off the sea with a daily max: 19/4 (5)
At least 2 pairs bred on the cliffs and both were successful raising around 7 young.
Spring: Just small numbers present with no influx logged.
House Sparrow
Spring: Up to 20 present at Birling and also present at Hodcombe.
Spring: Good numbers present on the Headland with around 15 pairs in Shooters Bottom, but no passage recorded.
Spring: 8/4 (1).
Spring: 24/5 1 male at Hodcombe (RHC).
Spring: Recorded on 6 dates from 17/2 to 9/6. Chiefly single birds but on the 9/6 an adult and a juvenile were in Whitbread Hollow.
Feb: 19/2 (12)
Spring: Small numbers recorded throughout with a daily max: 17/4 (30). On the 2/4 2 came in off the sea.
20/3 1 calling over Shooters Bottom.
Jan-Feb: Up to 30 present in and around the set-aside field.
Spring: 2/4 flock of 60 in the set-aside field which had increased to 100 on the 8/4. During April and May up to 35 were present in the Headland bushes, which probably was the breeding population.
11/3 1 along the cliff path.
Spring: Sadly, none were recorded.
Reed Bunting
13/2 1 at Birling.
Corn Bunting
Feb: Up to 25 present in the set-aside field.
Spring: 25/3 30 in the set-aside field.
April and May: Up to 10 around the set-aside field, probably being the breeding population.
Corn Bunting in the set-aside field.