Bob Edgar's ringing totals are included in brackets and his Hollow numbers have been added to those recorded in the area generally:
Sparrowhawk 1
Peregrine 1
Stock Dove 3Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Swift 2W
Swallow 8
Sand Martin 4
Wheatear 1 (RES)
Stonechat 11
Nightingale h croaking Chat Vale
Grasshopper Warbler 3 (1)
Reed Warbler 11 (6)
Sedge Warbler 2
Garden Warbler 2 (1)
Blackcap 5
Whitethroat 50 (3)
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Willow Warbler 50 (18)
Chiffchaff 2 (1) RDME notes that it is interesting how they have suddenly disappeared from the Hollow after the recent daily totals
Raven 2
Corn Bunting 2
Comma 1
Red Admiral 1
Marbled White 1
White-lettered Hairstreak 1
Silver-spotted Skipper 2
Jacob Everitt had a stroll round the edges of Horseshoe Plantation that produced the following: 25+ Silver-spotted Skipper, 5 Large Skipper, 8 Comma, 3 Large White, 6 Small White, 1 White Letter Hairstreak, 5 Small Copper, 20+ Common Blue, 50+ Chalkhill Blue, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Marbled White, 15+ Meadow Brown, 3 Small Heath and 10+ Gatekeeper. Also a single fresh Dingy Skipper! Lovely few hours butterflying!
Silver-spotted Skipper and Flesh Fly (Roger Haggar)