RDME went ringing this morning in Whitbread Hollow and following are his sightings together with ringing totals in brackets.
Sparrow Hawk 1
Swallow 250
House Martin 1,000 (55)
Yellow Wagtail 1
Wheatear 2
Ring Ouzel 1 (1)
Reed Warbler 4 (3)
Whitethroat 2 (1)
Blackcap 250 (80)
Chiffchaff 40 (15)
Firecrest 1
Spotted Fly 2
Raven 1
House Sparrow 1 (Unusual in the Hollow and the first for the Autumn).
AQ also visited the Headland today and concentrated on the usual sites on top of the Headland and recorded the following migrants:
Common Buzzard 1
Merlin (female) 1 around Hodcombe.
Swift 1 W.
Woodlark 1 flushed and flew off calling.
Swallow 500 West
House Martin 2,500 West.
Meadow Pipit 220 (70 in the Top Fields and 150 on cliff edge).
Yellow Wagtail 10 West
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Common Whitethroat 1
Spotted Flycatcher 1 in Hodcombe
Blue Tit - Party of 12 moving high west with others seen in the bushes.
On the 21st RHC saw 1 Red Kite and 10 Common Buzzards.

Pictures of the Treecreeper trapped on the 19th.

1st yr. Ring Ouzel trapped in the Hollow.