Visited the Headland with Doreen and met up with John King. Also saw RKH, RES, PN & Mim. RDME was ringing in Whitbread Hollow. Combined totals below with ringing numbers in brackets.
Sparrowhawk 1
Woodpigeon 2,300 mainly SW.
Swallow 5
Pied Wagtail 10
Black Redstart 3 all at Birling.
Ring Ouzel 1
Blackbird 70
Fieldfare 1
Redwing 5
Song Thrush 6
Blackcap 1
Goldcrest 30 (3)
Firecrest 6 (4 Belle Tout wood & 2 Hotel Garden).
Long Tailed Tit 5
Tree Creeper 1 Belle Tout wood.
Brambling 1 in Belle Tout Wood (RKH)
Siskin 4
Lesser Redpoll 25 (19)
Corn Bunting 1 Birling departed West.
Also: 1 Hummingbird Hawk Moth & 2 Red Admirals.
On the 31st October, Geoff Gowlett had a Yellow Browed Warbler in Belle Tout wood briefly during the morning, but no further sign of it during the afternoon or today.

Black Redstarts at Birling taken by Roger Haggar.

Pied Wagtail at Birling taken by Roger Haggar.

Red Admiral taken by Roger Haggar

Male Black Redstart taken in strong sunlight at Birling.

Firecrests at Belle Toute wood.