Doreen and myself then drove down to Holywell and we walked into Whitbread Hollow down into the Gully and then walked through the rough field in Cow Gap and back to Holywell before returning to Belle Tout wood.
Fulmar 2
Gannet 6
Whimbrel 1 calling over Whitbread Hollow.
Swift 9
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 in Cow Gap
Sand Martin 7
Swallow 5
Wheatear 1
Sedge Warbler 1
Reed Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Common Whitethroat 27
Chiffchaff 1
Willow Warbler 30
Chalk Hill Blue An estimate of 400 with large numbers present in Cow Gap.
Dark Green Fritillary 1
Comma 1
Plus the usual butterflies.
Migrant Hawkers 4

Ringing Hut in Whitbread Hollow.

Looking along the run into Whitbread Hollow.

View looking from Whitbread Hollow along the promenade at Eastbourne.

Sedge Warbler in the Old Trapping Area.
1stw. Willow Warbler

Common Whitethroat.

Migrant Hawker in the Gully.

Pair of Chalk Hill Blues

Six-spot Burnet Moth

Red Tailed Bumblebee