We met up with RJF & JK at Birling and sea-watched from 07.30-0845. Did the lane at Birling and then received a telephone call from CB who had seen a Pallas's Warbler at Holywell. We therefore drove there but unfortunately Chris had lost the warbler. We spent the next hour or so trying to re-locate it but with no joy. Chris stayed on and did obtain a further brief view of it.
We then covered most the the Headland and also met up with RES who had been birding the Head with RKH. The following are our combined totals which includes CB sightings from Holywell:
Great Crested Grebe 2E
Gannet 80 (65 E)
Common Scoter 2
Sparrowhawk 1
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 3-4
Pomarine Skua 1 E (Very dark almost black juv) JFC
Arctic Skua 5 E + 2 on sea.
Bonxie 1 E
Kittiwake approx. 120 E
Auk sp. 80 E
Swallow 30
House Martin 4
Wren 10
Stonechat 3
Dartford Warbler 1 male Shooters Bottom
Pallas's Leaf Warbler 1 Holywell CB
Chiffchaff 3
Goldcrest 16
Firecrest 2 (1 B/T wood & 1 Holywell)
Tree Creeper 1
Goldfinch 170 (108 W)
Siskin 13 W
Lesser Redpoll 8 W
Crossbill 5 W
Red Admiral 2

Male Dartford Warbler in Shooters Bottom.

Still the odd Stonechats are lingering at Beachy