We met up with JK at Birling. Spent 2 hours watching the diurnal migration which was excellent.
We then walked up to Belle Tout lighthouse meeting up with PN. Birded the wood and walked the rough field back to Birling seeing SL. We then covered the remainder of the Headland and the following are our combined totals:
Gannet 40 feeding off Birling
Little Egret 1 W off Birling
Brent Goose 23 E
Shelduck 2 E
Sparrowhawk 4
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 3
Golden Plover 8 in off the sea.
Lapwing 42 in off the sea
Yellow Legged Gull 1 1st w. in rough field.
Stock Dove 20 E
Woodpigeon 1,400
Short Eared Owl 1 near Birling.
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Swallow 4
Alba Wagtail 16 (10 W & 6 E)
Black Redstart 2
Stonechat 11 (small influx)
Fieldfare 6
Redwing 35
Mistle Thrush 3 W
Song Thrush 4
Goldcrest 5
Great Grey Shrike 1 near cliff edge at Birling departed inland.
Raven 2
Starling 520 (420 W)
Chaffinch 50 W
Brambling 1 heard
Goldfinch 230 (180 E & 50 W).
Siskin 24 (14E & 10 W)
Lesser Redpoll 33(18 E & 15 W).
Yellow Hammer 1 W
Lapland Bunting 2 E @ 09.45
Snow Bunting 3 E @ 07.15
Hare 1

A distant Great Grey Shrike on the cliff edge at Birling.

Short Eared Owl strangely showing dark underparts near Birling
Redwing at Birling