A summers day in mid-March with migrants to go with it. We sea-watched from 06.55-07.25 and then slowly birded around virtually all the sites on the Headland:
Red Throated Diver 1 on the sea
Eider 2 drakes E.
Common Scoter 2 E & 1 W
Red Kite 1 drifted E @ 13.05
Peregrine 2-3
Mediterranean Gull 4 E & 1 flew inland
Black Headed Gull c300 many moving W.
Herring Gull approx. 400 coasting W many 1st.W's.
Sandwich Tern 3E & 3W
Auk Sp. 2 on the sea
Guillemot 1 on the sea
Tawny Owl 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 drumming B/T wood
Pied Wagtail 2 in the field
Alba Wagtail 3 in off the sea
White Wagtail 1 in the field
Black Redstart 3 (1 superb male near B/T lighthouse & 2 Hodcombe)
Stonechat 8
Wheatear 8
Fieldfare 2
Redwing 2-3
Chiffchaff 1
Blackcap 1 singing B/T wood
Goldcrest 1
Firecrest 4 (1 B/T wood & 1 the Old Trapping Area, 2 Hodcombe)
Long Tailed Tit 2
Tree Creeper 1
Raven 2
Linnet 17 (9W)
Reed Bunting 1 W
Beachy Lighthouse

Male Black Redstart at Belle Tout
They don't get much better than this.
Male Peregrine over Birling
Male Wheatear in the field.
Adult Mediterranean Gull over Birling
Winter Plumage Guillemot off Birling.
Rufous Phase Tawny Owl in the wood.
Firecrest in the Old Trapping Area.

Tree Creeper in Belle Tout wood.
Red Kite drifting East over the Headland.
JFC on a twitch!!