One or two returning new migrants seen today, including 1 Nightingale, 2 Wheatears, a juv.type Common Redstart, 2 Reed Warblers, and a Green Sandpiper was heard calling near Belle Tout. We covered virtually all the sites on the Head with the exception of the Cliff Path and rough field, and RDME birded and ringed in Whitbread Hollow. Figures in brackets relate to birds trapped.
Green Sandpiper 1 heard calling near Belle Tout.
Sparrowhawk 1
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 2
Sandwich Tern 3
Collared Dove 1 at Birling
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2
Sand Martin 8+
Common Redstart 1 juv.
Nightingale 1 in Whitbread Hollow
Wheatear 2
Reed Warbler 2 (2 adults)
Common Whitethroat 18
Blackcap 8 (4 including 1 re-trap from last year)
Willow Warbler 1
Chiffchaff 3 (1)
Corn Bunting 2
Similar species of butterflies as seen yesterday with one addition:
Painted Lady 1

Willow Warbler at Birling
Collard Doves are only seen on odd occasions during the year on the Headland
Wheatears are back, it must be Autumn.
Good numbers of Small Skippers are present at the moment.