Fine calm early morning with small numbers of common returning migrants although with the conditions it felt like there should have been many more Willow Warblers on the move. We covered all the sites on the Head from Birling to the Hotel Garden and Bob was ringing in Whitbread Hollow. Birds ringed are in brackets.
Common Scoter 15 E
Swift 10 W
Green Woodpecker 5 which included 4 juvs.
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Swallow 8
Nightingale 1 in Whitbread Hollow
Stonechat 8
Wheatear 5
Sedge Warbler 4
Reed Warbler 6 (3)
Lesser Whitethroat 1 (1)
Common Whitethroat 20 (2)
Garden Warbler 2 (2)
Blackcap 9 (2)
Chiffchaff 5 (4)
Willow Warbler 37 (15)
Raven 1
Linnet 60
Bullfinch 3
Brown Argus 1
Chalk Hill Blue 140
Small Copper 1
Silver Spotted Skipper 1 male Shooters Bottom (first for the year).
Small Skipper 8
Red Admiral 1
Marbled White 3
David & Brenda paid a visit to the Head during yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately no sign of any Balearic Shearwaters with just a few migrants seen including 1 Sedge Warbler, 5 Willow Warblers, 120 Swifts and 50 Sand Martins.
Reed Warbler at Birling
Sedge Warbler at Birling

Willow Warbler at Birling

Swift over the Hotel Garden
Male Silver Spotted Skipper in Shooters Bottom, our first for the year.
Female Chalk Hill Blue in Shooters Bottom.
Brown Argus in The Old Trapping Area