Fine & sunny on arrival with a cool N breeze. Small arrival of night migrants but no real evidence of any continental birds involved. Hirundines especially House Martins were moving W but otherwise little diurnal migration logged. Several Sparrowhawks were seen and a Merlin.
We met up with JK and RJF at Birling and covered virtually all the sites on the Head. Also saw PN, MN and RK at Belle Tout wood.
Met Office view
A cold front lies through the English Channel, with high pressure over the UK to the north of it. Two areas of low pressure are approaching the UK, one currently between Iceland and Greenland and the other presently lying west of Portugal. Further west still, high pressure dominates the weather in the north Atlantic.
Sparrowhawk 3-4
Kestrel 2
Merlin 1
Golden Plover 1 over the Top Fields
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2
Sand Martin 8
Swallow c100+
House Martin c1,000 ( 600 W)
Alba Wagtail 2 W
Meadow Pipit c40N
Wheatear 2
Sedge Warbler 1
Reed Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Common Whitethroat 10
Blackcap 12
Chiffchaff 25
Willow Warbler 2
Goldcrest 2
Spotted Flycatcher 1
Jay 1 flying over the Top Fields
Raven 2
Goldfinch 30
Siskin 2 W + 7 heard
Red Admiral 3
Small White 25
Meadow Brown 15+
Speckled Wood 7
Migrant Hawker 3
Grey Squirrel 1 in the Hotel Garden
Wheatear at Belle Tout
Spotted Flycatcher at Belle Tout wood

Jay over the Top Fields
Female Migrant Hawker at Belle Tout wood