Arrived at Birling to a very cold overcast morning with light snow flurries. We sea-watched from 06.20-08.35 and although passage was light, some interesting species were logged. We then covered virtually all the sites on the Headland in a biting cold NE wind. A few Thrushes were seen and also a thin scattering of summer migrants. The only diurnal migration recorded were 4 Meadow Pipits and 1 Alba Wagtail arriving in off the sea:
Red-throated Diver 11 E & 1 on sea.
Great-crested Grebe 4 on the sea
Slavonian Grebe 1 w/p on sea and then departed E.
Gannet 80 E
Brent Goose 15 E
Shelduck 3 E
Teal 2 E
Pintail 8 E
Shoveler 10 E
Common Scoter 7 E & 3 W
Red-breasted Merganser 4 E
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 1
Common Redshank 1 in off the sea
Black-tailed Godwit 12 E (Just our 6th record since 1960 and the first for March).
Dunlin 7 W
Lesser-Black Back Gull 6 E
Sandwich Tern 4 W
Auk Sp 6 W & 1 on the sea.
Meadow Pipit 4 in off the sea.
Rock Pipit 4
Alba Wagtail 1 in off the sea.
Black Redstart 2 at Birling
Stonechat 5
Wheatear 5
Blackbird 10
Fieldfare 1
Redwing 1
Song Thrush 5
Chiffchaff 2
Raven 1 displaying
Harbour Porpoise 1 off Birling
Weasel 2

Male Wheatear near Belle Tout. (5 were logged today)

Black Redstart at Birling

Brent Geese passing Birling

Winter-plumaged Slavonian Grebe off Birling

Continental Song Thrush at Birling

Female Kestrel at Belle Tout.