Red-throated Diver 8 E & 2 on the sea.
Great Crested Grebe 1 on the sea
Gannet 6 E & 3 W
Canada Goose 2 off Birling
Shelduck 1 E
Mallard 3
Common Scoter 6 E
Red Kite past Hodcome at 13.45
Common Buzzard 2
Whimbrel 3 E
Bar-tailed Godwit 3 E
Arctic Skua 2 E
Sandwich Tern 8 E
Commic Tern 1 E & 2 W
Firecrest 1 Old Trapping Area
Pied Flycatcher 1 male Old Trapping Area
Carrion Crow 1 in off the sea
Raven 2
Linnet 75 again in the field
Corn Bunting 1 singing
Adder 1 female below Belle Tout lighthouse.

Firecrest in the Old Trapping Area.