Reasonable arrival of Thrushes (including 6 Ring Ouzels) and Robins, with small numbers of other migrants including the Yellow-browed Warbler showing on and off in Belle Tout wood, and a juvenile type Dartford Warbler. A few Goldfinches moving east with a Short-eared Owl and Marsh Harrier both departing east.
Combined totals as follows:
Common Buzzard 2
Marsh Harrier 1 E @ 11.35
Tawny Owl 2
Short-eared Owl 1 S and then drifted off E @ 10.45
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1
Skylark c50 with c 25 moving over the area.
Rock Pipit 2
Robin c45
Stonechat 2
Blackbird c50
Ring Ouzel 6 in Cow Gap.
Redwing 5
Song Thrush 20
Dartford Warbler 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 B/T wood
Chiffchaff 7
Goldcrest 6
Goldfinch c100 (70 W)
Siskin 6 W
Redpoll 1
Bullfinch 2
Corn Bunting 1 singing.
Juvenile type Dartford Warbler above Belle Tout wood.
Redwing near Belle Tout wood.

(taken by David Cooper)
Short-eared Owl over Hodcombe

(taken by David Cooper)
Short-eared Owl over Hodcombe