RDME seawatched from 6.00-7.00am seeing:
Gannet 6W, 21E
Great Crested Grebe 2E
Sandwich Tern 2 milling about
Brent 8E
Combined totals for the area:
Kestrel 1
Swift 3
Swallow c.80 in off the sea
House Martin 3
Stonechat 6 including the first juvenile of the year (RDME)
Redstart 1 female
Wheatear 4
Nightingale h
Whitethroat 33
Lesser Whitethroat 3
Blackcap 2h
Chiffchaff 3
Willow Warbler 1
Spotted Flycatcher 7
Raven 1
Linnet 38
Goldfinch 10
Green Hairstreak 2
Dingy Skipper 1
Small Copper 1
Small Heath 2
Wall 3
Peacock 2
Small White 3
Speckled Wood 1
Early Spider Orchid c.60
Female Wheatear at Belle Tout