Saturday, 22 May 2010

22nd May 2010 Beachy Head

Beachy Head NE2-3 Fog Patches Seawatch 6.30am - 6.45am
Gannet 6
Sandwich Tern 4W

Marsh Harrier 1 in off the sea over Birling Gap at 7.10am
Turtle Dove 1 in off the sea at Chat Vale (RKH & RES)
Swift 2
Swallow 30
House Martin 1
Stonechat 6 including 2 juveniles
Reed Warbler 1h singing
Lesser Whitethroat 1h singing
Whitethroat c.25
Blackcap 5h singing
Chiffchaff 1h singing
Corn Bunting 3 singing and 2 over Chat Vale (RKH & RES)

RDME had a Garden Warbler singing in the Hollow.

Grizzled Skipper 1
Dingy Skipper 5
Small Copper 1
Small Heath 5
Common Blue 4
Wall 1
Red Admiral 1
Marsh Harrier arriving in off the sea over Birling Gap

Grizzled Skipper at Belle Tout

Wall Brown at Chat Vale

Peregrine over Chat Vale

Stoat in Cow Gap

Dingy Skipper in Whitbread Hollow

Small Heath in Whitbread Hollow