Saturday, 31 July 2010
31st July 2010 Beachy Head WSW4 fog with heavy drizzle
Friday, 30 July 2010
30th July 2010 Beachy Head NE2 and overcast soon becoming calm and sunny
Sand Martin 2W, 5E
Swallow 17
Stonechat 3
Meadow Pipit 6
Nightingale h croaking Chat Vale
Grasshopper Warbler 2 ex.
Reed Warbler 2
Lesser Whitethroat 5
Whitethroat 44
Blackcap 8
Willow Warbler 47
Corn Bunting 1h
Painted Lady 1
Red Admiral 1
Peacock 1
Dark Green Fritillary 1
Meadow Brown 20
Gatekeeper 15
Chalkhill Blue 40
Common Blue 10
Small Copper 1
Thursday, 29 July 2010
29th July,2010. Whitbread Hollow, Beachy Head
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
28th July,2010 Whitbread Hollow, Beachy Head.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
25th July 2010 Beachy Head WNW1-2 Low cloud with some drizzle

Saturday, 24 July 2010
24th July 2010 Beachy Head Calm
Sunday, 18 July 2010
18th July 2010 Beachy Head W3-4 Clear
Black-headed Gull 15 incl. 1 juv.
Mediterranean Gull 1E Ad.S. 1 Ad.W. offshore
Kittiwake 2 juv. off Birling Gap Oystercatcher 3W
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Belle Tout
Swallow 2
Whitethroat 10
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Garden Warbler 1
Blackcap 2
Raven 2
Greenfinch 6
Chaffinch 15
Corn Bunting 1 + 1h
Marbled White 10
Gatekeeper 3
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Blast from the Past No. 3
Beachy birders look forward in searching for these delightful warblers in late Autumn and the Beachy Head record for these gems is outstanding from a
Our first sighting of this little gem was on the 24th October, 1965 when Tony Quinn and Roger Charlwood found one in Belle Tout wood and was seen by a number of other Beachy regulars.At the time, it proved to be the second record for
No fewer than 11 different individuals were recorded in 2005, our best year to date, when a large influx occurred in the
Since 1965, when we recorded our first sighting, this species has increased at a dramatic rate in the British Isles, and this has been well documented in the
1960-1969 - 5 records, 1970-1979 - 6 records, 1980-1989 - 19 records, 1990-1999 - 15 records, & 2000 – 2009 27 records.

Yellow Browed Warbler trapped Whitbread Hollow on the 18th October, 1975.
(photograph taken by John Cooper).

Yellow Browed trapped Whitbread Hollow on the 29th September, 2007.
(photograph taken by Martin Casemore)

Yellow Browed Warbler in Shooters Bottom 6th October, 2008.
(photographed by John Cooper)

Yellow Browed Warbler in the scrub on the Eastern side of Belle Tout wood on the 11th October, 2008. (photographed by John Cooper).
Hume’s Warber – Phylloscopus humei
The first identified for the
Our second record was found by John & Doreen Cooper again in Belle Tout wood on the 6th November, 2003 and stayed until the 10th November. It called frequently during its stay and the call was recorded by David Cooper & Richard Fairbank. It was also seen by Roger Haggar, Bob Smith, and Bob Edgar, and when JFC had just identified the bird, Dave Flumm an old Beachy regular from the late 60’s & early 70’s turned up in the wood for almost the first time in 20 years, and saw a life tick. Its occurrence over the week-end meant that it also attracted significant interest from within and outside the county. It was the 4th
John also found a Pallas’s in the wood on the 7th which remained until the 9th and both the Hume’s & the Pallas's could at times be seen together in the binoculars which delighted many of the birders present.
Our third and final record was again found in Belle Tout wood on the 30th December, 2007, and stayed until the 14th January, 2008. It was initially found by Sidley Underdown who felt it was probably a Yellow Browed Warbler. On the 31st December it was re-identified by John Cooper, Bob Edgar, John King and Sidley Underdown as a Hume’s and during its stay it was seen by David Cooper, Roger & Liz Charlwood, Richard Fairbank, Roger Haggar, Ian Barnard plus many birders from within and outside the county. The night of the 14th January was very cold and by this time the bird was mainly feeding low down often on the ground and JFC looked for it on the 15th and his opinion was that it had died overnight as it was not looking very healthy on the 14th and one of its wings was drooping.
It was the 5th

Hume’s Warbler in Belle Tout wood January, 2008.
(all pictures taken by David Cooper)
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler – Phylloscopus proregulus
A truly purple patch for Beachy.
(At this time John Cooper with Doreen Cooper & Keith Atkin was ringing birds at Anderby in
Since 1968 there has been a total of 41 Pallas’s recorded from Beachy Head between the 1st October, 1998 an early date, in Hodcombe seen by Roger & Liz Charlwood, John Cooper & Chris Ball and the 21st November, 1974 when 2 were present in Belle Tout wood from the 17th November one of which had been trapped and ringed. The total seen for Sussex as a whole up to 2008 is 76, and therefore over half of all Sussex records have been found from Beachy Head.
On several occasions there have been 2 birds present on the same day often together. Two were found in Belle Tout Wood on the 14th November, 2000 by John & Doreen Cooper. They spent most of their time in close proximity to each other often feeding on or close to the ground and were described as being a ‘bright individual’ and a ‘very bright individual’. They remained until the 16th gave excellent views and delighted all who came to see them.
On the 21st October, 1991, a confiding Pallas’s was in Hodcombe and was being watched by Roger & Liz Charlwood Richard Fairbank and Martyn Kenefick when it flew and landed on a floating leaf in a small pond some 10 metres from the observers much to their delight.
Our best years to date were in 1995, 1996 & 2003 when four different individuals were seen in each of the three years. Pallas’s arrive generally later than Yellow Browed’s, with 26 Pallas’s seen in October and 15 in November.
Our final sighting to date was a single bird found by Matt Eade in the cliff top scrub above the main Beachy Head Lighthouse 21st October, 2007 and was seen by many observers during the day and photographed by Martin Casemore.

Pallas’s Leaf Warbler in cliff top scrub above Beachy Head Lighthouse on the 21st October, 2007. (photographed by Martin Casemore).