Hobby 1 gained height and flew south out to sea
Peregrine 2
Whimbrel 1 Cow Gap Beach, 1h Chat Vale
Swift 4
Swallow 7
Sand Martin 474 moving south and west
Stonechat 6
Common Redstart 1 male
Meadow Pipit 25
Nightingale h croaking in Chat Vale
Grasshopper Warbler 1
Sedge Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Whitethroat 31
Blackcap 3
Chiffchaff 1
Willow Warbler 12
Long-tailed Tit 16 in a flock above Cow Gap
Starling 70
Goldfinch 5 (including 3 flying east at 30mph alongside the car)
Linnet 30
Corn Bunting 1h
Peacock 1
Red Admiral 1
Dark Green Fritillary 1
Marbled White 1
Chalkhill Blue c.35
Willow Warbler in the Beachy Head Hotel Garden

Chalkhill Blues at Birling Gap (Roger Haggar)