Doreen and myself first did a sea-watch for 1.5 hrs and we then covered most of the sites on the
Headland including the rough field. We briefly met up with RDME who covered several of the sites on the Headland before walking Whitbread Hollow, the Gully and Cow Gap. We contacted RKH & RHC when the Pied Flycatcher was found.
The following are combined totals from ourselves & RDME:
Red Throated Diver 1 on sea
Shelduck 1 E
Common Scoter 14 E
Red Kite 1 drifted W over the Top Fields.
Common Buzzard 1 soaring over the Top Fields.
Arctic Skua 2 d/p E
Sandwich Tern 8 E
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 drumming Whitbread Hollow.
Swallow 1
Nightingale 1 Whitbread Hollow (first for the year).
Stonechat 3 pairs
Wheatear 6 (including 2 leucorhoa, in the Gully above B/T wood).
Lesser Whitethroat 1 steps in Cow Gap. (first for the year).
Common Whitethroat 8
Blackcap 4-5
Chiffchaff 4
Willow Warbler 20-25
Pied Flycatcher 1 1stS.male in the Old Trapping Area.
Raven 2
Bullfinch 2 Whitbread Hollow.
Peacock 4+
Small Copper 1
Dotted Bee-fly 2 Birling
3 possibly 6 Bottle Nosed Dolphins type off Birling.

Red Kite over the Top Fields (RKH)

1st S male Pied Flycatcher in the Old Trapping Area.

Pair of Greenland type Wheatears in the Gully above Belle Tout wood.
These pictures show the male bird, race leucorhoa.
Large heavy looking birds with long upright legs, upright stance and long primaries.
They would fly and land on top of the small bushes inthe Gully and again very upright stance.