We did a sea-watch for 1.25 hours and were joined by TWP. Doreen and myself then walked from Holywell into Whitbread Hollow, the Gully and Cow Gap, out first time this year. TWP covered Birling and Belle Tout wood.
Red Throated Diver 3E
Gannet 9 E & 5 W
Grey-lag 2 E
Common Scoter 22 E
Red Br. Merganser 1 E
Great Skua 1 E
Sandwich Tern 6 E
Auk sp. 55 E
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 drumming Hollow.
Meadow Pipit 10 pairs in Cow Gap.
Black Redstart 2 at Birling. (TWP)
Wheatear 2 in Whitbread Hollow
Blackcap 1
Chiffchaff 10
Willow Warbler 1
Weasle 1 in Whitbread Hollow.

Wheatear on the bank leading out off Whitbread Hollow.

Meadow Pipit in Cow Gap.
Following pictures taken in the Gully & Cow Gap.

Three pictures taken in the Gully below Cow Gap.
Cow Gap looking east.

Cow Gap looking west.

Looking across the southern end of Whitbread Hollow towards Eastbourne.