Another visit to Beachy and although not as windy as yesterday still a fairly stiff breeze prevailing which ruled out any hope for the first fall of Willow Warblers this Autumn. In fact, the only warblers seen on the Headland were a few local Whitethroats. Migrants were few and far between with just small numbers of Swifts and Sand Martins going SE and a juvenile Wheatear our first for this Autumn.
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 1 Juv.
Mediterranean Gull 1 E
Common Gull 2 adults
Swift 19 SE
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1
Sand Martin 10 SE
Stonechat The pair of Continental rubicola were showing well in Shooters Bottom with at least 1 young. A further male Continental type was found, appearing to be holding breeding territory, in the scrub leading up from Shooters Bottom to above Beachy Head lighthouse.
Wheatear 1 juv.
Common Whitethroat 10
Raven 1
Good numbers of Downland butterflies were seen today which included:
Chalk Hill Blue 10 (Our first for the year)
Small Copper 1
Marbled White c70
Dark-green Fritillary 25
Comma 1

Female type Continental Stonechat in Shooters Bottom
note the broad extensive white collar on the sides of the neck.
Our first Chalk Hill Blues for the year - 10 were seen today
Dark-green Fritillary showing the under-side of its wings.