We met up with RJF and JK at Birling and then we covered most of the sites on the Headland including the Cliff Path and Crowlink. RDME also covered sites on the Headland as well as Whitbread Hollow, Cow Gap and the Gully. Several other birders were also present.
A superb arrival of around 400 Ring Ouzels mainly from Birling to the Hotel Garden but just odd birds seen in the Hollow and Cliff Path. Also 2 large flocks in Crowlink, one of 49 birds and the other of 114 individuals. A good hundred was present in Shooters Bottom with 50 in the Birling/Belle Tout area and up to 60 in both the Old Trapping Area and Hotel Garden. There may have been some double counting although majority of the birds departed inland.
Other than small numbers of other Thrushes, very few other migrants were present.
Grey Heron 1
Brent Goose 49 (12 E and 37 W)
Sparrowhawk 4
Common Buzzard 3
Kestrel 2
Peregrine 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1
Sand Martin 1
Swallow 12
Stonechat (Pair of Continental types present in Shooters Bottom)
Ring Ouzel c400 (Our largest day count, our previous best was 200 in 1966, which I also saw).
Blackbird 15
Fieldfare 2
Redwing 2
Song Thrush 20
Mistle Thrush 5
Common Whitethroat 1
Blackcap 3
Chiffchaff 11
Long-tailed Tit 4
Raven 2
Starling 200
Goldfinch 50
Part of one of the flocks of Ring Ouzels on the Head.
Male Ring Ouzel with Blackbird
Tossing an elderberry
Male Ring Ouzel with strange white markings on its head.

Some of the 400 Ring Ouzels present in the Beachy Head area today
including flocks in excess of 100 counted
Male Continental type Stonechat showing a good white rump in
Shooters Bottom, a pair was present.
Common Buzzard over Cow Gap
Perhaps my only tick for this year at Beachy