Red-throated Diver 12E
Black-throated Diver 17E, 1 on sea ex.
Diver sp. 10E
Great Crested Grebe 1 on sea
Little Egret 3E
Gannet 15E
Shag 2E
Brent 8E
Shelduck 7E
Scoter 990E
Pintail 2E
Bonxie 1 at 7.31am
Pomarine Skua 125E
Arctic Skua 26E
Mediterranean Gull 1E first-summer
Black-headed Gull 263E
Little Gull 5E
Sandwich Tern 276E
Commic Tern 858E
Black Tern 7E
Little Tern 39E
Guillemot 6E
Razorbill 1E
Auk sp. 49E
Curlew 1E
Whimbrel 20E
Bar-tailed Godwit 17E
Knot 1E
Common Sandpiper 1E
Sanderling 11E
Swallow 3 in off
alba Wagtail 1 in off

Some digiscoped images taken by David Cooper of some
of the Pomarine Skuas seen today
Good numbers of Black-headed Gulls were moving today.
Two Little Egrets flying past Birling
Sandwich Terns passing Birling with some taking the opportunity
to fish whilst moving past.
Nearly a thousand Scoters passed Birling today.
First winter Little Gull passing Birling
Two Whimbrel moving past Birling