We sea-watched from 06.30 - 09.20 and RDME & PN joined us. We also covered Belle Tout wood, the rough field, Shooters Bottom, The Old Trapping Area and Hotel Garden. Both Bob & Pete also covered areas on the Headland. Following birds were logged:
Red Throated Diver 13 E
Great Crested Grebe 2 on sea also 1E & 1 W
Black Necked Grebe 2 in partial s/p off Birling.
Brent Goose 270 E
Shelduck 6 (4 E & 2 W)
Gadwall 1 E
Teal 34 E
Mallard 2 E
Shoveler 5 E
Common Scoter 232 E
Red Br. Merganser 4 E
Peregrine 1
Curlew 5 E
Med. Gull 3 Ad. s/p E.
Black Headed Gull 54 (12 E & 42 sat on sea off Birling).
Sandwich Tern 3 E
Auk sp. c10 E
Tawny Owl 1
Skylark c25
Alba Wagtail 3 (2 in off the sea & 1 N over fields).
Black Redstart 1 female type Hotel Garden.
Stonechat 1 pair Shooters Bottom.
Firecrest 4 (1 Birling, 1 B/T wood & 2 Shooters Bottom).
Long Tailed Tit 3 Shooters Bottom
Raven 1
Corn Bunting 2
2 Bottle Nosed Dolphins types off Birling.

Firecrest in front of the sea-watch site at Birling.
Record shot of the 2 Black Necked Grebes off Birling.

Common Dog Violets are now fully out in flower.