We did a short 35 minute sea-watch and then walked the lane at Birling Gap, looked in Belle Tout wood and then spent almost 90 minutes in the rough field near Belle Tout but couldn't re-locate the Lapland Bunting seen yesterday. The following are our sightings:
Red Throated Diver 9 (4 E & 5 on the sea).
Great Crested Grebe 4 on sea.
Teal 1 E
Common Scoter 7 E
Peregrine 1 right low down over our heads at Birling.
Med. Gull 1 ad. s/p in the fields at Birling.
Stock Dove 13 (including a flock of 10 E)
Skylark c40
Long Tailed Tit 11
Corn Bunting 3
Hare 1
Fox 1

Adult Peregrine over the lane at Birling Gap.

Adult summer plumage Med. Gull flying over the fields at Birling.