Doreen and myself first did a sea-watch for 45 minutes. We then did most of the Headland including the rough field and along the Cliff Path. Little seen on the sea,but there was a small arrival of migrants and a fine show of flowers. The following were recorded:
Red Throated Divers 3 on the sea.
Gannet 7 E
Common Scoter 71 E
Common Buzzard 1 soaring high over Birling.
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 1
Stock Dove 1
Tawny Owl 1
Tree Pipit 1 N over Birling
Meadow Pipit 10
Stonechat 3
Wheatear 2 males at Birling
Chiffchaff 11
Willow Warbler 1 at Birling
Long Tailed Tit 1
Raven 1
Linnet 15
Corn Bunting 4
Small Tortoiseshell 2

Two of the Chiffchaffs seen today.
Common Buzzard soaring high over Birling.
Small Tortoiseshell along the Cliff Path.

Bank of Daffodils at Birling.

Common Dog Violets.