RDME, PF & JAGD were ringing in Whitbread Hollow and the following are combined totals with birds ringed in brackets:
Sparrowhawk 1
Kestrel 3
Curlew 1 E over Shooters Bottom.
Tree Creeper 1 (1)
Robin 25
Common Redstart 7 (1)
Wheatear 13
Reed Warbler 31 (17)
Lesser Whitethroat 17 (8)
Common Whitethroat 400 (89)
Garden Warbler 10+ (8)
Blackcap 53 (19)
Chiffchaff 1
Willow Warbler 87 (31)
Spotted Flycatcher 2

One of the thirteen Wheatears seen on the Headland today.
Spotted Flycatcher in Shooters Bottom

Common Whitethroat in Shooters Bottom. Large numbers
were present in Whitbread Hollow today.
Historical pictures of the cliff erosion at Birling Gap
from the National Trust archives.
1907- Shows the coast guard cottages and out buildings enclosed
in a wall, in the foreground hut & railings leading to steps to the beach.

1925-The coastguard outbuilding much nearer the cliff edge with the
surrounding wall already beginning to disappear. The railings now gone,
and the hut much closer to the edge.

1934-The coastguard outbuildings and wall now gone, but still a large
open area in front of the hotel, and the coastguard cottages still not

1970-Hotel and garage in front now showing and the
coast guard cottages much closer to the cliff edge. The hut
has now disappeared and new steps can be seen.

2010-Some of the coast guard cottages have now been
demolished and the garage in front of the hotel has also gone.
More new steps to the beach have been erected.