RDME. SM. PF & JAGD were ringing in Whitbread Hollow and the following are their sightings with birds ringed in brackets:
Sparrowhawk 2
Peregrine 1
Swallow 12
House Martin 500 (197)
Grasshopper Warbler 1 (1)
Lesser Whitethroat 4 (3)
Common Whitethroat 75 (25)
Garden Warbler 3 (3)
Blackcap 200 (84)
Chiffchaff 15 (9)
Willow Warbler 15 (7)
RedAdmiral 2
Small Copper 4
The Wryneck was again reported from Shooters Bottom for yesterday and today.

More images of the Honey Buzzards seen on the 27th taken by RKH.

Bloody-nosed Beetle (they keep doing it!!) taken on the 29th by RKH.