Windy conditions and therefore we sea-watched 06.25-08.45. We then walked from Birling to Belle Tout wood and then back through the rough field, but the wind made migrant watching very difficult , and no assessment made of migrant numbers:
Fulmar 3
Balearic Shearwater 1 E dark phase showing distantly.
Gannet c20
Shag 9 all immatures (8 West & 1 on sea).
Common Scoter 4 W
Peregrine 2
Whimbrel 1 W
Kittiwake c100 mainly juvs. feeding off Birling.
Sandwich Tern 10 feeding off Birling.
Common Tern 6 feeding off Birling.
Auk Sp. 1 with 1 young on the sea off Birling.
Tree Creeper 1-2 Belle Tout wood.
Crossbill 1 W. over Belle Tout wood.
Wall Butterfly 2 near Belle Tout wood.
Round Headed Rampion several coming into flower.
Some of the Juvenile Kittiwakes feeding off Birling.
Adult Common Tern feeding off Birling.
Adult Sandwich Tern feeding off Birling
1 of the 9 immature Shags seen off Birling during today's sea-watch.

Wall Butterfly near Belle Tout wood

Round Headed Rampion near Belle Tout wood.