We met up with JK at Birling and it all started rather slowly. We received a phone call from RMDE, who with PF, was ringing in Whitbread Hollow. He informed us that he had just trapped a Redwing, which is ours and Sussex earliest ever Autumn record. We quickly made our way to the Hollow to photograph the Redwing and as we were there, a 1stw. Melodious Warbler was trapped which we also were able to photograph.
We then visited the Gully below Cow Gap before visiting the usual sites on the Headland meeting up briefly with PN.
Many thanks Bob for the phone call which was much appreciated.
The following are our combined totals with birds ringed in brackets:
Shag 1 immature off Birling before departing W.
Common Scoter 13 W
Sparrow Hawk 2
Kestrel 2
Med. Gull 1 juv. W
Yellow Legged Gull 1 juv. in rough field
Sandwich Tern 1
Commic Tern 16 W
Common Redstart 1 (1)
Wheatear 6
Redwing 1 ad. female of the nominate race trapped in Whitbread Hollow. Our earliest and also Sussex's earliest Autumn record.
Grasshopper Warbler 2 (1)
Sedge Warbler 2
Reed Warbler 35 (15)
Melodious Warbler 1 (1 1stw. trapped Whitbread Hollow)
Lesser Whitethroat 4 (1)
Common Whitethroat 100 (23)
Garden Warbler 12 (10)
Blackcap 3 (1)
Chiffchaff 6 (2)
Willow Warbler 95 (26)
Tree Creeper 2 B/T wood
Goldfinch 10
Bullfinch 2 (2, 1 of which was a re-trap; from a previous year).
Painted Lady 1
Red Admiral 1

1stw Melodious Warbler trapped & ringed in Whitbread Hollow

Adult female Redwing of the nominate race trapped and ringed in
Whitbread Hollow. Earliest Autumn date for Sussex.

Reed Warbler in the Gully
Chiffchaff in the Hotel Garden

Wheatear behind Belle Tout wood.
Female Bullfinch trapped & ringed in Whitbread Hollow.