Thursday, 7 October 2010

7thOctober,2010. Whitbread Hollow.

RDME was ringing in the Hollow today and recorded the following, with ringing numbers in brackets:

Wind: E 1-2 becoming SE 3-4.

Sparrowhawk 2
Song Thrush 5
Reed Warbler 1
Blackcap 50 (17)
Chiffchaff 50 (30)
Goldcrest 6
Long-tailed Tit 17
Chaffinch 20
Siskin 20
Redpoll 2
Raven 1

Paul James had 2 Honey Buzzards fly South out to sea from Holywell shortly before 08.00 hrs.

On the 6th October Alan Kitson had a Honey Buzzard fly out to sea from Birling at 10.54 hrs.