We covered a number of sites on the Headland and also visited the Gully area below Cow Gap. Bob and Sarah were ringing in Whitbread Hollow and LP birded the Gully and Cow Gap/Hollow areas.
A reasonable fall of migrants which included a Melodious Warbler seen by LP in the Gully. Small diurnal passage recorded with a juv. Marsh Harrier arriving in off the sea off Birling.
The following are the combined totals of the observers with birds ringed in brackets:
Fulmar 2
Little Egret 4
Grey Heron 2
Marsh Harrier 1 juv in off the sea @ 07.40
Sparrowhawk 2
Common Buzzard 1
Kestrel 1
Tawny Owl 1
Swift 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1
Sand Martin 65 chiefly W
Swallow 18
House Martin 56
Tree Pipit 7
Yellow Wagtail 10 W
Robin 16 (8)
Common Redstart 3
Whinchat 1
Wheatear 14
Song Thrush 1
Grasshopper Warbler 1
Sedge Warbler 1(1)
Reed Warbler 24 (8)
Melodious Warbler 1 Gully (LP)
Lesser Whitethroat 4 (1)
Common Whitethroat 130 (26)
Garden Warbler 9 (4)
Blackcap 20 (9)
Chiffchaff 3 (3)
Willow Warbler 60 (12)
Spotted Flycatcher 1
Yellowhammer 1
Clouded Yellow 6
Brown Argus 1
Silver-spotted Skipper 1 in the Gully
Painted Lady 2
Southern Hawker 3
Emperor Dragonfly 1
Hummingbird Hawk Moth 1
(both taken by Laurence Pitcher)
Melodious Warbler in the Gully below Cow Gap
Some of today's Wheatears.
60 Willow Warblers seen today.
Just a single Swift seen today.
24 Reed Warblers were recorded today.
Common Whitethroat in the Gully.
Lesser Whitethroat in the Hotel Garden.
(taken by Laurence Pitcher)
Lesser Whitethroat ringed in Whitbread Hollow.
(taken by Laurence Pitcher)
Sedge Warbler ringed in Whitbread Hollow.
Silver-spotted Skipper in the Gully
Brown Argus in Cow Gap

(taken by David Cooper)
Six Clouded Yellows were seen today.
Southern Hawker by the side of Belle Tout wood.
We also had a display of the Red Arrows from Belle Tout wood.