2011: Recorded on and off throughout the year with a pair present on several dates during the Spring but during the Autumn only a single bird recorded on 9 dates. No sign of local breeding Per B.H.Log
(Our area has never held more than 2-3 breeding pairs and Long Down is often a favorite site and this site is very rarely visited).
2011: At least 1 bird calling from the grassy field between Belle Tout & Hodcombe.(PN & MN)
On the 9/7 1 was flushed from the rough field opposite Belle Tout wood, (DC & BK) and on the 21/8 1 was flushed from the Cliff Path (RJF & JK). Per B.H.Log
(At least 3 different individuals recorded, 2 of which were flushed. Slightly above average year).
2011: On the 2/1 18 were flushed from the rough field opposite Belle Tout wood. Young were seen to the West of Belle Tout wood during the breeding season. Up to 8 were present in the Belle Tout area in December. Per B.H.Log
An intriguing report taken from the Sussex Bird Report for 2010:
2010: 29/8 A single bird unsexed was reported from the woods above and west of Birling Gap, but no other details known. Per Sx. B.R No.63.
(If correct, one assumes it has been locally released).