Thursday, 8 December 2011

Beachy Head 2011 Summary No.1

Have been working on the annual summaries from the Beachy Head Log for 2011, and have decided to show them on the Beachy blog. The summaries include records kindly submitted to myself for inclusion in the log and the blog. Many thanks to the various observers for these records which have helped to give a fuller picture of migration at Beachy Head, and special thanks to David for all his records and pictures and to Bob for supplying me with his ringing and sightings especially from Whitbread Hollow.
Please bear in mind, I can only include records that I have been told about, David and myself were away on holiday from end of April to mid-May and unfortunately I didn't receive any records for this period, especially for the sea-watching and therefore there will be some gaps for some species ie the Skua passage in early May.
I will show these summaries during the course of the next few days and will start with Divers & Grebes.


2011: 1/1  2 W close in with Red Throateds. Spring sea-watches: Recorded from 29/3 to 6/5 with a total of 42 were recorded with the majority moving E. with 4 E all in summer plumage on the 22/4, 5E on the 4/5, 13E on the 5/5 & 6E on the 6/5 Per B.H.Log

2011: Jan-Feb: Huge movements recorded especially during January with a total of 986 W & 407 E with others feeding on the sea. Recorded on 11 dates during January, with daily maximums of 416 W & 9 E on the 1/1 including large flocks of 53, 50 & 46, and 2/1 with 412 W & 177 E. In February 23 W & 35 E on 5 dates.
Spring sea-watches: Movements recorded from the 7/3 to 23/4 with a total of 237 E recorded on 24 dates with daily maximums of 48 E on the 13/3, & 30 E on the 2/4. Only 1 Autumn record of a single W on the 2/11. In Dec.2 on the 23/12, 18E and 2W on the 28/12, and 30/12 6. Per B.H.Log

2011: Jan-Feb – A total of 90 E, & only 5 W with 41E on the 8/2. The majority were considered to be Red Throateds. Spring: 46 E on the 8/3 again most were considered to be Red Throateds. Autumn: Singles E on the 10/10 & 26/11. Per B.H.Log

2011: Jan & Feb: Recorded on 14 dates with the majority during February. In total 17 seen on 7 dates in January with a daily maximum of 8 on the sea on the 3/1 and 58 seen on 7 dates during February with daily maximums of 20 on the 8/2 & 12 on the 9/2 when 10 moved E.
Spring sea-watches: Recorded on 12 dates between 7/3 with 4 on the sea to 22/4 when a total of 35 were recorded. Autumn: Recorded on just 4 dates from 23/7 2 E & 5/11 2 off Holywell. In total just 9 birds seen during the Autumn. Per B.H.Log

2011: 19/4 1 E @ 19.45 DC PerB.H.Log. (Our 16th record since regular watching commenced in 1960).

2011: 29/1 2-3 on the sea off Birling & 25/3 1 just started to go into s/p off Birling. Per B.H.Log.

2011: 13/3 2 in partial s/p on the sea off Birling (DC, JFC, RDME & PN). & 2/4 9 on the sea off Birling (7 in s/p & 2 still in w/p) (JFC & DC )PerB.H.Log.
(28 have now been recorded since 1960 with 9 being the maximum seen on a single day).