Another very enjoyable sea-watch which included 2 male Goosanders which flew inland. Very few night migrants were seen but a Red Kite over the Cornish Farm area was the highlight.
Red-throated Diver 168 E
Great-crested Grebe 1 on the sea
Gannet 14 E
Brent Goose 620 E
Pale-breasted Brent Goose 1 E @ 10.37
Teal 23 E
Shoveler 14 E
Common Scoter 1,042 E
Red-breasted Merganser 27 E
Goosander 2 drakes flew in off the sea and headed inland.
Red Kite over Cornish Farm fields.
Common Buzzard 1
Peregrine 1
Curlew 33 E
Arctic Skua 1 E
Mediterranean Gull 20 E
Little Gull 26 E
Black-headed Gull 181 E
Kittiwake 151 E
Sandwich Tern 104 E
Auk Sp. 3 E
Guillemot 1 on the sea
Alba Wagtail 3 over
Black Redstart 1 below B/T lighthouse
Chiffchaff 4
Carrion Crow 4 in off the sea
Raven 1
Corn Bunting 4
Harbour Porpoise 2

(both taken by DC)
2 drake Goosanders which flew inland over Birling

(taken by DC)
Flock of Curlews moving East.
Pale-breasted Brent passing Birling
Nearly 200 Black-headed Gulls moved E past Birling.
Chiffchaff just arrived at the sea-watch site.

(taken by DC)
It quickly found a more suitable habitat.
A distant Red Kite over Cornish Farm