Black-throated Diver 1 E
Great-crested Grebe 7 on the sea
Little Egret 2 off Birling
Mediterranean Gull 1 ad E
Common Gull 40
Lesser-black back Gull 3 (English race) on beach.
Auk Sp 2 E
Rock Pipit 3
Black Redstart 1 female type Birling
Stonechat 3 (male in Shooters showing white rump).
Firecrest 2-3 Belle Tout wood
Raven 1
Another cliff fall at Birling with some more of the gardens lost and
the out-house of the coast guard cottages is almost overhanging.

Picture taken approx. 20 years ago, the end property was demolished
at that time and the next cottage is now the one on the cliff edge as
shown in the first picture, and will now have to be demolished.
Male Stonechat which was showing a white rump in Chat Vale
and maybe the returning rubicola which bred last year.