Thursday, 6 March 2014

6th March 2014. Beachy Head Fine sunny and mild SW 2-3

Another pleasant sunny morning and we sea-watched from 06.45-08.45. We checked Birling Lane then the Birling/Belle Tout loop but no sign of any new night migrants.

Red-throated Diver 4 E and 1 on the sea
Great-crested Grebe 4 E and 1 on the sea
Gannet 2 E
Brent Goose 155 E
Common Scoter 4 E
Curlew 3 W
Mediterranean Gull 6 E
Black-headed Gull 41 E
Common Gull 50
Kittiwake 86 E
Auk Sp. 8 E
Meadow Pipit 2
Stonechat 1
Corn Bunting 1

Peacock Butterfly 1

5th March, 2014
PN visited a number of sites on the Headland and recorded 4 Stonechats and a party of 6 Corn Buntings in the bushes in B/T wood car park.