Four images of the Melodious Warbler trapped today in Whitbred Hollow.

Sparrow Hawk cooling off in a dew pond.

Autumn Ladies Tresses found in the Gully below Cow Gap.
Arrived with Doreen at 06.15hrs to a calm fine morning. Because of the skateboarding competition with the road closed over the Top, I drove straight to the Hotel Garden and then made my way down into Cow Gap, the Gully and Whitbred Hollow. Fair numbers of common migrants were present in these areas including a Cuckoo, 3 Grasshopper Warblers and 2 Redstarts. Met up with RDME with other members of the BHRG who were ringing in the Hollow. They were having another successful morning and I will list their numbers later. After returning to the car,I drove the long way around to Birling Gap and preceeded onto Belle Toute wood. Met up here with RJF & MC, and they had already covered Shooters Bottom and Birling. I have therefore included their numbers with my totals which therefore covers most of the sites other than Whitbred Hollow, which is covered more fully with RDME figures.
Whilst we were in Belle Toute wood, Bob kindly telephoned from the Hollow to say they had just netted a Melodious Warbler, and therefore we quickly dashed back to the Hollow with RJF & MC to see and photograph it in the hand. Many thanks for this Bob, it was greatly appreciated.
Migrant numbers seen by ourselves, RJF & MC as follows:
Cuckoo 1 in Cow Gap
Sand Martin 5
Swallow 15
Yellow Wagtail 1 fly over
Common Redstart 6 including 3 in Shooters Bottom.
Wheatear 7
Grasshopper Warbler 4
Reed Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 20
Common Whitethroat 78
Garden Warbler 1
Blackcap 12
Willow Warbler 70
Spotted Flycatcher 1
Numbers recorded from Whitbred Hollow by RDME: 92 birds ringed with the following numbers estimated. 1 Melodious Warbler, 1 Sedge Warbler, 12 Reed Warblers, 10 Lesser Whitethroats,
50 Common Whitethroats, 25 Garden Warblers, 75 Blackcaps, 10 Willow Warblers & 10 Chiffchaffs.