Saturday, 15 August 2009

Beachy Head 15th August, 2009

Field Vole in Hodcombe taken by David Cooper.

Two pictures of Autumn Ladies Tresses at Birling.

Painted Lady in Hodcombe taken by David Cooper.

Swift over Whitbred Hollow taken by David Cooper.

Arrived with DC at 06.15 hrs to an overcast cool early morning with a force 3 west breeze. Spent an hour at Birling looking for migrants and could not find a single summer visitor. Just when you thought birding couldn't get any worse!! Moved onto Cow Gap and finally found our first migrant of the day in the gropper field. Met up with RDME in Whitbred Hollow, he had ringed 43 birds during the morning and also had a Cetti's singing (first for the year) and a Nightingale calling. On our walk to the Rides, met Martin Casemore, but who like ourselves had seen very little. After visting the usual birding sites on the Headland, we called into Hodcombe and birded the garden with RHC. We saw 2 Whinchats, (Roger's first for the year), and also saw a Field Vole, which was a new tick for DC and myself. Migrants seen:

Swift 2
Swallow 9
Whinchat 2
Reed Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 3
Common Whitethroat 15
Garden Warbler 2
Blackcap 2
Willow Warbler 2