Small Blue taken by Roger Haggar in Shooters Bottom on the 2nd August.

Looking down into the Gully below Cow Gap.

Cow Gap beach and the ledge.

Honeysuckle at Birling.

Can anyone identify this moth sp.seen in Shooters Bottom.
RKH beleive it to be a Dusky Sallow.(Thanks Roger).

It must have been bad, I even photographed this House Sparrow.
Arrived with Doreen at 06.15 hrs to a humid overcast morning with a light SE breeze. Walked for over 4 hrs covering virtually the main areas. The top of the Headland was very quiet for migrants. Met up with RHC & Liz at The Old Trapping area. They found yesterday to be very quiet generally but they did have another Wood Warbler in Hodcombe on the 2nd. In Whitbred Hollow, I met up with Graeme Dunlop who was ringing with RDME. They had trapped a reasonable selection on Warblers, although only a few Willow Warblers, with the highlight being a Wood Warbler. Only the second they have trapped in the Hollow for about 20 years. This now brings the Autumn total of Wood Warbler to 4. In Shooters Bottom, we met up with RKH & PN. They had both seen very little in the way of migrants, like myself, although PN advised me that on the 3rd he must have seen 100 Swifts after I had left. No sign of the Small Blues in Shooters Bottom.
Swift 10
Reed Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 3
Common Whitethroat 43
Willow Warbler 5