Two images of a female type Reed Bunting at Birling

Three images of a Garden Warbler in the Gully.

Northern Wheatear in Belle Toute Gully.

Three images of Willow Warblers in Shooters Bottom.

Small Heath in Cow Gap.

Six spot Burnett in Cow Gap.

Common Toadflax.

Carline Thistle in Cow Gap.
Arrived with DC at 06.10 hrs to a fine sunny but cool morning with a light breeze. After an hour it became warm with an NE breeze picking up. Fair numbers of migrants present, but very much of an English look about the warblers and no sign of any continental origin. Spent almost 6 hours walking the Headland and good numbers of butterflies also seen. Met up with PN at Birling, he came up yesterday but had seen very little. We met up with RKH at The Old Trapping area and later in the morning above Whitbred Hollow. He had seen a Nightingale, 2 Tree Pipits and 2 Wheatears, and he also mentioned that PN had a Whinchat after he left us. We also met up with Matt Eade in the Rides, and he came with us to the Hotel Garden. He had previously been to Hope Gap and had seen a similar arrival of migrants as to what we had seen.
Swift 1
Sand Martin 8
Swallow 57
Tree Pipit 2-3 heard by DC.
Wheatear 4
Sedge Warbler 4
Reed Warbler 6
Lesser Whitethroat 6
Common Whitethroat 44
Garden Warbler 6
Willow Warbler 61
Reed Bunting 1 female type briefly in bushes at Birling & then departed high West. (very early Autumn date).
Butterflies etc.:
Clouded Yellow 4
Wall 1
Small Heath 6
Silver Spotted Skipper 8
Painted Lady 20
Hummingbird Hawk Moth 1 at Birling
Also Autumn Ladies Tresses were showing at Birling.