Belle Toute Lighthouse with storm clouds.

View looking from Shooters Bottom to Hodcombe.

Two images of a Migrant Hawker in Shooters Bottom on the 29th taken by Roger Haggar.

Whinchat at Birling.
Arrived with DC at 06.25 to a fine calm morning, although the weather soon deteriorated as the morning progressed. After walking up the lane at Birling, we soon realised that far fewer migrants were present today. Met up with JK, RJF & MC and moved onto Shooters Bottom and the other areas on the Headland. The weather was now looking very unsettled and with a strong W. breeze. Still low numbers of birds seen and after meeting up with various other birders we decided to call it a day. RDME had a very busy morning ringing in the Hollow with 251 ringed of which 169 were Blackcaps which seems early for such a good catch although the elderberry crop in the Hollow is now ripening that much earlier these days. Bob also ringed 10 Reed Warblers, 1 Sedge & 1 Grasshopper Warblers, 20 Common & 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 5 Garden Warblers, 10 Chiffchaffs & 14 Willow Warblers.
This will be my last blog as I am off to Shetlands for a month.
Migrants seen:
Hobby 1
Swift 2
Sand Martin 20
Swallow 30
Tree Pipit 1
Yellow Wagtail 10
Whinchat 1
Wheatear 4
Reed Warbler 2
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Common Whitethroat 10
Blackcap 4
Willow Warbler 18
Spotted Flycatcher 1